This week we made up our own games, and our own rules for those games. We then played some of them in P.E. class. I did enjoy the experience of making up a new game, and then the whole class trying it out together. It's something I have never done before, and it was fun!
The games worked well, I thought. They were very creative and a lot of fun to do. I liked it as we listened to each other, set it up ourselves and expalined it to each other, as well as playing them together. The rules did make sense and I thought a lot of the games were great. We played the games around the basis of rounders. There was obstacle rounders using different obstacles in between bases, kick rounders kicking a football and hock ball using hockey sticks.
The game we made was rounders, but instead of hitting a ball with a bat, you throw a tennis ball as far as you can and run to the bases.
I enjoyed seeing what other people came up with, and it flowed well.
Rules are a key part to any game. It definitely allows for a fairer game, and when rules are broken, you can't get much out of it, and i see it as an unfair advantage.
That's it for this week!!
This week, we tested muscular strength, by doing bench presses, muscular endurance, by doing sit ups and press ups, and flexibility by doing the sit and reach. We did these yesterday in class and needless to say we are very sore today!! But it was also good to figure out your personal limits and abilities. This is why I think that fitness testing is a good idea. The benefits of fitness testing are that it can give you a goal, to be fitter or do better in a certain part of the fitness test. It can also in the obvious sense improve your fitness.
My results for each activity in a minute were:
Bench Press = 5
Sit Up = 48
Press Up = 31
Sit and Reach = 20
Next week, we are going to be doing Cardiovascular Endurance and doing the Bleep test. I look forward to telling you about it!!